What We Do

Empowering Women for Effective Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution

We strengthen women’s capacities to advocate for peace and security successfully and own, engage and successfully contribute to peacebuilding at the community, cross-community, or international levels. We will network, align, liaise, and work with frontline stakeholders, victims of conflict, women at the grassroots levels and globally to contribute to peacebuilding and find permanent solutions to our and other conflicts. WPPJ faces an immediate humanitarian catastrophe in the ongoing war in Southern Cameroons, considered another Rwanda style genocide. As victims and stakeholders, WPPJ’s immediate focus will be to engage with the conflict and the international community to end hostilities and engage in the current peace initiative for a permanent lasting solution.

We advocate for and train women in peacebuilding principles to prevent, and reduce conflict. We work with local and international organizations, policy, and lawmaking entities to advance peacebuilding in intractable conflicts and to bring experts in conflict prevention and resolution to lend their competencies to solve the crisis.

In Search for Justice & Peace: Core Engagement Areas

Advocate for women, peace, and security in all areas of civic life.

Advocate successfully for women-owned participation in peacebuilding and nation-building.

Amplify women’s voice and role in peace with the safe involvement of women in the conflict zone.

Share women-centered experiences of freedom and independence from across the globe.

Connect with talented leaders in waging peace.

End crimes against humanity involving women, girls, and children.

Capacity building in women to engage in meaningful dialogue to create lasting peace in the Southern Cameroons / Ambazonia-Cameroun war.

Whom She is, Counts.

WPPJ builds networks comprised of frontline stakeholders and conflict victims to foster women-owned participation and contributions to peacebuilding.

We bridge the victims and stakeholders to the international community to urge them to end hostilities.

Together through women-inclusive participatory decision-making, we formulate sustainable peace initiatives.

We train women in the principles of peacebuilding to prevent and reduce safeguarding communities from future conflict.

We work with local and international organizations to bring into the ordinance necessary laws and policies to favor peaceful conflict resolutions in intractable situations.

We equip women with community-based participatory approaches for foundations to nation-building.

She's a Building Block.

WPPJ builds networks comprised of frontline stakeholders and conflict victims to foster women-owned participation and contributions to peacebuilding.

Why women?

Women typically bear the brunt of all wars.

Women have a vested interest to see all backroom conversations brought into the limelight.

Women are concerned about disenfranchisement and disempowerment and work hard to equalize power dynamics around war and peace issues.

Women are peacebuilders; they can facilitate difficult conversations and build consensus on difficult cases.

Hence women’s inclusion in all aspects of a peace process is a necessity.

Who is a WPPJ Individual?

A Peace Advocate

A Peacebuilder

An influencer of policy

Stands for peace based on addressing the causes of conflict

Promotes a positive culture that elevates, champions women peace and security concerns

Is transformational

Understands women’s leadership is under attack but loves, respects those she serves

Accepts responsibility and is accountable

Understands women can impact global issues, and women’s voices are critical

Understands women’s issues are not relegated to only welfare issues

Hence women’s inclusion in all aspects of a peace process is a necessity.


Communicating in the Age of Social Media (Women and media)

How to tackle difficult conversations?

What does it mean to be a peacebuilder?

How can women actively participate in nation-building?

What is essential in mediation and negotiation?

Restoring women’s economic lives after conflict.

Addressing trauma and its aftermath

Power dynamics and women advocacy in patriarchal societies.

Mindset, communications, and goal setting.

Understanding non-coercive re-integration for IDPs and returnees.

Conflict mappings.

Conflict transformation.

Peace Diplomacy.

Peace Advocacy

How do we advocate for permanent peace based on justice? How do we participate in resolving intractable conflicts and building sustainable societies where women, young girls, boys, and children can reach their God-given potential and live dignified lives? WPPJ recognizes that the UN Women Peace and Security (WPS) roadmap, though comprehensive, still has a long way to go towards implementation. We seek to partner and contribute to developing practical, implementable policies that strengthen institutions and communities to live in peace and ensure a just society.

Peace is a requisite for living dignified lives; it is the highest value enshrined in the world’s charter and inextricably linked to peace, security, and the protection accorded to society under the law. WPPJ believes peaceful and just communities are underpinned by trust – the glue that binds, absent which we devolve into anarchy. Through peacebuilding, WPPJ seeks diplomatic, political, and local approaches to help stop wars.

Unraveled: A Personal Journey into Conflict, War, and Diplomacy