Women, Peace and Security

ANJP plays a critical role in conflict prevention and where there are conflicts in seeking just peace that addresses the root causes. Women too often are absent from high-level international peace negotiations and from peace talks. Meanwhile, women typically bear the brunt of all wars. We seek to change that.
The obligations to include women in all aspects of a peace process is mandated by international human rights and law [UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000), 1889 (2010), 1960 (2010), Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, and the Beijing Platform for Women.]  Women have a vested interest to see all backroom conversations brought into the limelight. Women are concerned about the issues of disenfranchisement and disempowerment and must work hard in the equalization of power and power dynamics around issues of war and peace.  Women are peacebuilding, we can facilitate difficult conversation and build consensus on difficult issue.

Alternative Justice Mechanisms In Conflict Areas

ANJP network of ADR experts are skilled in mediation, arbitration, monitoring and evaluation, reparation, transitional justice and human rights. We work at the community, state, and international levels using both judicial and non-judicial mechanisms or outlets to bring about truth, justice, prosecution, and reparations in conflict situations.
ANJP engages in advocacy and policy development on mechanisms that has the best chance to support specific justice and peace processes. We develop policy, guidance, and frameworks and assist in the establishment and implementation of justice and accountability mechanisms at all levels. We will engage with local, regional, and international human rights bodies on issues related to justice and accountability.

Justice for human and peoples’ rights

Climate Change Situation Conflicts

That there are clear corollaries between climate and conflict is no longer in dispute. Policies, position papers, research, or global thinkers abound. The world’s climate patterns are violent – more frequent and violent storms, unprecedented levels of glacial melting, coastal flooding, longer sustained periods of lower rainfalls with attendant wildfires, desertification, pollution, toxic waste fuel changing migration patterns, damage infrastructure and place increasing pressures on state’s budget and security structures. What is needed with urgency is action – climate action across all segments of our human habitat to mobilize and amplify change.
Like wars, natural disasters, global warming, fossil fuel use, deforestation, and more jeopardizes our collective safety, with women disproportionally affected and facing more unique challenges globally. ANJP contributes perspectives on climate mitigation through research, adaptation policies, and climate leadership that contributes to peace, security, and community and state stability.

Environmental Crimes

Reckless exploitation of natural resources and the devastation of maritime ecosystems, and damage to water sources and ozone layer have far reaching impacts –destroys the environment and subsistent economies of millions of people species of flora and fauna on land, in the air and sea. ANJP conducts outreach and awareness to victims, advocates for the protection, promotion and mitigation of damage to lives and livelihood.

Heritage Justice And Land Rights

ANJP works for justice related to restitution and reparations. Heritage justice relates to the issue of restitution and reparations for colonial and neocolonial crimes. ANJP will advocate for the rights of victims of pre-and post-colonial crimes. We work for justice for all, particularly affected communities and victims.
Land rights is one of humanity’s greatest treasures and its natural habitat. Conflict over land is one of the major sources of conflict in the world. Indigenous rights to ancestral lands must be protected. ANJP advocates the promotion and protection of indigenous rights to their natural ancestral lands and rights to their subsistent economies. Many indigenes have been dispossessed of their lands through climate, war and rogue policies.

Research, Publication

ANJP publishes articles and periodically posts reports from credible sources to augment, elevate, and reinforce the voices of experts in our core program areas to inform our audience and to expand the dialogue on justice, peace, and sustainable world. Our statements posted on pressing conflict-related topics also notify our readers of the state of conflict, justice, and peace as we understand them.

Education Campaigns and Training


ANJP recognizes the need to amplify the voice and role of women in peacebuilding by ensuring their full and equal participation in peacekeeping and peacemaking, processes essential to sustainable peace in communities and in the nation. Through our outreach, education, and training programs, ANJP seeks to break down barriers for women’s safe participation in conflict prevention and resolution and in efforts of coalition building vital in waging peace.

Food Assistance 

One of the main causes of hunger is war. ANJP works to end conflict. Women and children are increasingly victims of the militarization of urban centers, villages, schools, and hospitals. War means there is no farming, no safe farm to markets routes, and generalized insecurity which is why it is key for ANJP to fight hunger by providing food directly to internally displaced persons in the form of cooking oil, grains, and basic self-care items.


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Amplifying women’s voices

Building Resilient Communities

Climate change situation conflicts

That there are clear corollaries between climate and conflict is no longer in dispute. Policies, position papers, research, or global thinkers abound. The world’s climate patterns are violent – more frequent and violent storms, unprecedented levels of glacial melting, coastal flooding, longer sustained periods of lower rainfalls with attendant wildfires fuel changing migration patterns, damage infrasture and pressures on state’s budget and security structures. What is needed with urgency is action – climate action across all segments of our human habitat to mobilize and amplify change.
Like wars, natural disasters, global warming, fossil fuel use, deforestation, and more jeopardizes our collective safety, with women disproportionally affected and facing more unique challenges globally. ANJP contributes perspectives on climate mitigation through research, adaptation policies, and climate leadership that contributes to peace, security, and community and state stability.

Research, publication

ANJP publishes articles and periodically posts reports from credible sources to augment, elevate, and reinforce the voices of experts in our core program areas to inform our audience and to expand the dialogue on justice, peace, and sustainable world. Our statements posted on pressing conflict-related topics also notify our readers of the state of conflict, justice, and peace as we understand them.

Food Assistance 

One of the main causes of hunger is war. WPPJ works to end conflict.  
Women and children are increasingly victims of the militarization of urban centers, villages, schools, and hospitals. War means there is no farming, no safe farm to markets routes, and generalized insecurity which is why it is key for WPPJ to fight hunger by providing food directly to internally displaced persons in the form of cooking oil, grains, and basic self-care items. WPPJ purchases food locally for distribution.