About Us

about ANJP

ANJP’s Vision

Advocacy Network for Justice and Peace (ANJP), formerly Women for Permanent Peace and Justice (WPPJ), is committed to seeking true and lasting peaceful inclusive resolution to conflicts based on truth, justice, and accountability for a sustainable peaceful world for ours and future generations.

ANJP’s Vision

Advocacy Network for Justice and Peace (ANJP), formerly Women for Permanent Peace and Justice (WPPJ), is committed to seeking true and lasting peaceful inclusive resolution to conflicts based on truth, justice, and accountability for a sustainable peaceful world for ours and future generations.

ANJP’s Mission

ANJP devotes its resources in seeking a victim-centered just and sustainable inclusive world through our team and network of dedicated experienced leaders committed to advancing programs, cutting-edge global policy initiatives, research, publication, and training that supports just, equitable, and sustainable communities, organizations, and states. Our humanity is rift with conflict; wars, environmental crimes, climate justice, to human and peoples’ rights, each requiring innovative leadership at the grassroots, elected, civil society, military, state, and multilateral sectors. ANJP through its local, regional, and global network, programs, and teams seeks to change that.

ANJP’s Mission

ANJP devotes its resources in seeking a victim-centered just and sustainable inclusive world through our team and network of dedicated experienced leaders committed to advancing programs, cutting-edge global policy initiatives, research, publication, and training that supports just, equitable, and sustainable communities, organizations, and states. Our humanity is rift with conflict; wars, environmental crimes, climate justice, to human and peoples’ rights, each requiring innovative leadership at the grassroots, elected, civil society, military, state, and multilateral sectors. ANJP through its local, regional, and global network, programs, and teams seeks to change that.

What ANJP does

As an organization dedicated to sustainable peace, ANJP deploys its team of global experts in justice advocacy, international human rights, women peace and security, international program and policy development and evaluation, and reviews, research, training, and publication to the vital work of justice advocacy and conflict resolution. Through our diverse network of global experts, ANJP engages in the following program areas:

Peace and justice advocacy related to:

Women, peace and security
Alternative justice mechanisms in conflict areas
Justice for human and peoples’ rights
Climate change situation conflicts
Environmental crimes
Land rights & heritage justice

Research, publication

Education campaigns and training

WPPJ works local, governmental, and regional organizations leadership for outreach, awareness, and advocacy work to achieve our objectives.

Our Team

Emma M. Osong, D/M., MsE

Founder & Executive Director

Elinor Chebisi

Grassroots / Community Outreach Coordinator.

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